Unfortunately, It was determined last night, by a unanimous vote by the Board of Directors, that we will not be opening the pool this season. Here are some of the major contributing factors leading to this decision.
- The COVID-19 Pandemic continues to present real threats and there currently is no cure or vaccine as of yet. Our main objective as a board elected to represent the community\'s best interests is for the safety and welfare of our residents and their families.
- Georgia has published guidelines recommended by the CDC, the best ways to clean and sanitize public pools: https://dph.georgia.gov/document/document/envhealthpoolcovid-19guidanceforpublicpools51320pdf/download. These are guidelines but we interpret them as very important preventative measures and steps to take to reduce the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus.
- After exploring all options, we determined that we will not be able to open the pool and public spaces in and around the pool and still provide a safe environment for all residents and their families.
- Also, many insurance companies and ours as well will not provide insurance coverage for public spaces such as swimming pools and restrooms due to the COVID-19 being so new.
The Board extends it's apologies to the community, we were hoping that the situation would improve immensely so that we would be able to open the pool. Our Prayers and best wishes go out to those residents who were either directly affected by this terrible virus or may have had family or friends that were exposed to the COVID-19 virus and suffered hardships as a result. Thank You For Your Understanding and Patience during this difficult time in our world.
Frank Grimes
Ballentine Pointe Board of Directors