Annual Dues Notice

Dear Member of Ballentine Pointe HOA: Ballentine Pointe Homeowner Association’s 2019 Annual Dues are $360.00 due on May 1st.  Please verify your name and address is correct and notify Homeside Properties, Inc. at 678-297-9566 or email of any changes.  Association billing should be received by the end of this month, if not before. The Association’s annual operating costs are determined by yearly budgets prepared by your board of directors and by Homeside Properties.  The budgets are based on historical data and future reserve needs of your community.  Budgeted expenses include items such as utilities, landscape maintenance, common area & amenities maintenance, insurance, and taxes as outlined in your community’s governing documents.   Detailed line items on your budget may be viewed on your Homeside Properties community website.  See below for more information.   Based on your 2019 budget, your annual assessment is $360.00. Payments are due on the 1st of each month.  Payments received after the 10th of the month, will be assessed a 10% late fee.